As of now, only half of my purchases have been restored. This kind of Charlie Foxtrot happens every time marvel does a major update of their app. This is simply unacceptable. It is a waste of my time. Marvel will not be getting another cent. DCs app works without a problem. So does the dark horse app. There are plenty of other places to go for comicbook fix. Well done, marvel. Youve just saved me some the expense of one customer for you. And, yes, I am frustrated. This level of customer service is pathetic. They want are money; the least they can do is have app that functions.
Update: I was able to finally restore all of my purchases. Im still not happy with Marvel, particularly since is not the first time this has happened. Marvel has a responsibility to its customers; we give them money, they provide use with content and a stable app to view it. Based on multiple problems with the latter, marvel has definitely lost a customer. Which is too bad, since I generally like the comics marvel produces. But life is full of enough hassles without something that is supposed to be recreational adding to them.
Update 12/16/15: ah, marvel, I briefly thought your app was working. But, I should have known better. I can download comics, but whenever I try to open one, the app crashes. Its fun beta testing your products live, isnt it? Now, if I did that, my next job would involve asking how much foam you wanted with your latte.
Update12/19/15: new app update, still cant open a comic without the app crashing. Incompetent, only word to describe Marvel app dev team.